The most frequently asked question at our front desk?
"Can we do a trial class?"
Our classes are always so full during term that the answer is usually no, we just don't have space.
So to make this possible we're scheduling a monthly trial class for different ages to finally get you started in gymnastics or cheer and off the wait-list!
You can now try before you buy with zero commitment and we will filter you into a class that suits your schedule and your child's age and ability for the beginning of the next term! Simple!
Book your trial online today!
In order to take a trial session you must create your parent portal.
Simply fill in this query form and we'll schedule you into the next trial class!
Trials are €15 euro per athlete.
"Can we do a trial class?"
Our classes are always so full during term that the answer is usually no, we just don't have space.
So to make this possible we're scheduling a monthly trial class for different ages to finally get you started in gymnastics or cheer and off the wait-list!
You can now try before you buy with zero commitment and we will filter you into a class that suits your schedule and your child's age and ability for the beginning of the next term! Simple!
Book your trial online today!
In order to take a trial session you must create your parent portal.
Simply fill in this query form and we'll schedule you into the next trial class!
Trials are €15 euro per athlete.