We have only one week left of Summer camps.
There are a few spaces remaining, if you are interested hop over to the summer camp tab. What a massive success our open day was. We had over 150 athletes try our sports at Stuntworx Elite free open day last Saturday. What an amazing end to Season 14. Thank you again for all of your trust and support this past season. Stuntworx has had an absolutely fantastic season with huge accomplishments to mention just a few, the release of "eat/sleep/cheer/repeat", placing 3rd best team in the world at the ICC worlds 2024, to receiving multiple bids at competitions. We are extremely grateful to have such a wonderful group of people to make up our Stuntworx family, we could not have done it without you! We look forward to yet another great season. BRING ON SEASON 15!! Classes are open for booking online now. https://dancestudio-pro.com/online/stuntworxelite If you are new to our booking system, there are several tutorial videos to assist and navigate through the portal. Please make sure you don't leave it too late to book. Our schedule changes every season to grow with the club and it's important to book your classes early to avoid disappointment. Do you want your child to be: More Confident? More Outgoing? A Leader? Really, Super Fit? Check out how Stuntworx Elite can help, in more ways than you'd think! T h e B e n e f i t s o f J o i n i n g S t u n t w o r x e l i t e. Kids thrive when they have a sporting discipline in their lives, and it's proven that children who partake in organized sports have some great advantages over those who don't. 1. Discipline - children learn the importance of systems, of sharing and of waiting their turn. This is a great tool especially for children who do not socialise as much or those without siblings. 2. Communication - children learn to communicate better as part of a team; being able to tell coaches if they find something difficult or need help; being able to communicate to other team members when they need to work together. 3. Social Skills - children are immersed into a community where there is consequences for actions and where they must rely on each other for support and progression. The community progresses together when the children support each other. 4. Health Benefits - Core Stability; Flexibility; Strength; Balance; Cardio Fitness; Mental Agility; Joint Mobility; Healthy Sleep Patterns; and gymnastics even promotes regular bowel movements (who knew?)!
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